The Skinny on Skin Care

When you think of skin care, what thoughts come to mind? Beauty products such as cleansers and moisturizers may be the first items we think about because they are constantly being advertised on TV, internet and print ads. These ads tell you that their…

Use Diet to Manage Allergies

Allergy season will soon be upon us. Are you one of the many that suffer with allergy symptoms during the early spring and fall?  As soon as the pollen or ragweed is out you probably reach for a Benadryl or some other kind of…

Immunity and Gut Health

We’ve been discussing how the strength of one’s immunity impacts overall health. Through regular exercise and good nutritional eating practices, our bodies are able to build and maintain a robust defense so that we can ward off illness and experience optimal wellness.  The possession…

Exercise-Another Pathway to a Strong Immunity

The strength of the body’s immunity is a most important consideration, especially when it comes to the prevention of a serious illness, such as what many have experienced with the COVID-19 pandemic. Previously the topic of whole foods was discussed as a dominant factor…

Your Immunity and the Corona Virus-A Road Map to Health in a Time of Uncertainty

We would all like to remain healthy despite a virus that has infiltrated our country. Consequently, many of us are doing our part by washing our hands, wearing a mask, and using gloves, but are these measures enough? Have you ever stopped to ask…

6 Reasons to Drink Green Tea

The good news about green tea is getting hard to overlook that even devoted coffee drinkers are beginning to sip mugs of the delicate brew. It would not be surprising if the daily dose of disease fighting , inflammation-reducing antioxidants long associated with heart…

Why Eat Fermented Foods?

WHY EAT FERMENTED FOODS There is a definite advantage to eating fermented foods.Ā  Fermented foods like yogurt introduce beneficial bacteria into your digestive system and help the balance of bacteria in your system.Ā Ā  They can slow down or reverse some diseases, improve bowel health,…

Fall “Cleaning” and Cleansing

Fall is a time to clean your house and get organized. Besides organizing and getting rid of things that you donā€™t need in the house you can do some ā€œcleaningā€and cleansing for your body to have more energy and for better health. There are…

Prevention and Whole Foods

Nutrition is the common thread to prevention. Your body needs to have whole foods, foods that are in their original form with the nutrients in tact in order for you to be healthy. Your body is not designed to have processed foods and chemicals…

Nourishing Your Body

A big part of becoming or staying healthy and vibrant is nourishing your body with whole foods and giving your body a variety of nutrients. In order for your body to be in a state of balance you also needĀ to hydrate with at least…