Nourishing Your Body

A big part of becoming or staying healthy and vibrant is nourishing your body with whole foods and giving your body a variety of nutrients. In order for your body to be in a state of balance you also need to hydrate with at least 6-8 glasses of water a day.

Once it was enough to eat healthy table foods and you received all the nourishment you needed from them.   That is not the case today. Our soil is depleted of vitamins and minerals, there are chemicals in our food, and it is processed in a way that many of the nutrients are removed or compromised. Our water also has toxins that we ingest.  That is why it is important to supplement your diet.  SAD,the Standard American Diet,  is not sufficient to give us the nutrition that our body needs and to keep us healthy.

Sunrider International, a whole food herb company that I partner with has created nutrient-dense whole foods that are Nutrition-on-the Go and are based on the Philosophy of Regeneration.  This philosophy states that if you nourish your body with the right combination of whole foods and cleanse your body it will get into balance. If you have a health challenge your body will start to heal or if you have excess weight your body will start to lose the weight once it is in balance.

One of Sunrider International’s whole foods, Nuplus, has many herbs and fruit and it is very  nourishing. It promotes good digestion and helps with cravings. Nuplus helps people to start eating healthier and to avoid eating less desirable foods like junk foods.

In conclusion, in order to be healthy and stay healthy it is important tomultiple fruit smoothie supplement your diet. There are a lot of nutrients that we are not getting with just table foods. It makes sense to make additions to our traditional diet.