Building healthy bones is extremely important when you are young, and especially crucial as you grow older. We build bone mass easily in childhood and adolescence but it is important to practice good healthy habits while we are young, as that sets the stage for the condition of our bones in later life.  Still, as people age their bone mass decreases. Consequently, this can lead to fragile bones that break easily.

 Dr. Tina Dreger, an orthopedic surgeon at the Mayo Clinic in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, says, “After age 30, we break down more bone than we rebuild.”

Moreover, the International Osteoporosis Foundation reports that, ” older adults are at highest risk of osteoporosis, with nearly 75% of hip, spine and wrist fractures occurring in people aged 65 years old or over.”

That is why it behooves each of us to maintain strong, healthy bones as we age by practicing a healthy, active lifestyle. Two crucial factors to consider in maintaining bone health are diet and exercise. The following tips will guide you in promoting healthy bones and minimizing fracture:

1. Include plenty of green and yellow vegetables in your diet. They provide the nutrients that add calcium and other minerals to your bones to increase their density.

2. Eat a protein rich diet. Your bones are made up of 50% protein so they need to be replenished to keep them sturdy.

3. Take in foods high in calcium throughout the day. It is the key mineral found in bones.

Ergo, it must regularly be replaced, as new bone growth requires it.

4. Add foods that are high in Vitamin D and K. Vitamin D enables your body to absorb calcium and Vitamin K helps prevent the loss of calcium.

5. Make sure to eat at least 1200 calories per day rich in protein, minerals and vitamins so you don’t deprive your bones of the essential nutrients they require to thrive.

6. Maintain a stable weight without being too thin or heavy; frailty can affect bone density and obesity can add excessive pressure to your bones.

7. Consume Foods High in Omega-3 fats such as salmon, chia seeds, flaxseeds and walnuts. These provide anti-inflammatory benefits and protect against bone loss.

8. Engage in routine physical activity to help build and maintain strong bones. Perform strength training and weight bearing exercises which can help promote the formation of new bone. These activities can also help increase its density, strength and size. The stronger and less brittle your bones are, the more resistant they will be to injury.

9. Don’t smoke and drink alcohol moderately.

 Although eating a well-balanced diet and participating in daily exercise should always be your first plan of action, a busy schedule may thwart these efforts from time to time. For this reason you may choose to take vitamin and mineral supplements. If so, it’s best to choose supplements that are comprised of whole foods as opposed to chemical additives; the reason being that research has shown that they can be digested and absorbed easily by the body. As a case in point, a study was done with postmenopausal women by the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis which reported that women who received calcium through their diet were found to have higher bone densities than those whose calcium intake came from supplements. It concluded that calcium from food was found to be better absorbed than through tablet supplements that contained additives. Hence, the women who received their calcium naturally had the healthier bones.

However, at times we don’t consume enough foods that contain calcium.  That is when it is important to take supplements that are in a whole food form for better absorption. Therefore, your bones, aside from eating a healthy diet, would benefit with a supplement that is in a natural whole food form of calcium.  Sunrider offers such a product called HerbCal®. You can also learn about their new product, Vitamin D-3, here at Product Focus with Dr. Reuben Chen. As well as assisting with calcium absorption for strong bones and teeth, Vitamin D supports the immunity and nervous system.

It you would like more information on bone health and the many ways to nourish your body through the benefit of whole foods and whole food supplements, you can contact Sunny Sarah, Wellness Coach for a consultation at or call 908-510-3899.