The Skinny on Skin Care

When you think of skin care, what thoughts come to mind? Beauty products such as cleansers and moisturizers may be the first items we think about because they are constantly being advertised on TV, internet and print ads. These ads tell you that their products can give you smoother, firmer, and younger looking skin. That could be the case, and although skin care products can be very beneficial, there is more to the care of our largest organ than meets the eye.

Before we delve into the details of caring for our skin, it is important to first understand the vital role that it plays in our physicality. Our skin, made of three layers is our first barrier or shield to protecting our internal organs from environmental toxins and disease. Without it we would be extremely vulnerable to sickness and injury. That is why its care is ever important to protecting our health and well-being.

Although the skin is designed in nature to protect us, it is regularly subjected to environmental elements, prone to breakdown with the onset of age, and often neglected or abused because of our own bad habits. Like other parts of our body, if we don’t take steps to protect and preserve it, we start experiencing the negative effects. Such factors as poor diet, overexposure to the sun, cigarette smoke, air pollution and harsh chemicals from soaps and inferior products can cause skin cell damage, leading to wrinkles, acne and other skin conditions.  Although younger skin can take much more of a beating than more aged skin, it behooves us all, at any age, to practice good, care habits. 

Some of the ways in which we can easily care for our skin and keep it looking and feeling healthy are some simple preventative measures. The most basic measures that are a no-brainer to most of us are avoiding cigarette smoke, overexposure to the sun, getting enough sleep, engaging in regular exercise, eating healthy and drinking enough water. However it is the devil in the details that eludes many of us. If we don’t know the right foods to eat, products to use or daily habits to practice to nourish and protect our skin, we stand a very good chance of inadvertently neglecting this natural insulator. 

We can best begin treating our skin by treating ourselves internally. Good nutrition is by far the best way to begin. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants like beta-carotene, vitamins C, E, and A. They can protect the skin cells from getting damaged from free radicals which cause signs of aging.  Some examples are blueberries, strawberries, grapefruit, kale, spinach and peppers. Also, include foods such as wild salmon, sardines, eggs and walnuts which are high in omega-3 fatty acids– also good for the skin.

The next best way to care for your skin is to treat it topically. However, it is important to be cautious with the kinds of products you use to cleanse and moisturize. You want to look for products that contain natural ingredients, not harsh chemicals that can irritate, or animal oils like lanoline and petroleum that can clog the pores. Also, use products that conform to the natural Ph level of your skin and are right for your skin type, whether oily, dry, combination, or sensitive. The goal is to find the right products that will nourish your skin while expelling toxins. 

It is also very important to protect ourselves from overexposure to the sun as this could lead to skin cancer. For protection against the damaging UVA AND UVB rays of the sun, use a sunscreen with an SPF level that is the right protection for you.  

 Dr. Reuben Chen says your skin is your first line of defense. The Sunrider skin care products that he discusses in the video below are based on the Philosophy of Regeneration, which states that in order to balance the skin you need to nourish and cleanse it with the proper nutrients. It’s the same philosophy used for the Sunrider foods that nourish, cleanse and help get your body in balance.  In essence, it’s about nourishing your body from the inside out. Go to his video to learn more at:

If you would like further guidance on how to obtain smoother, firmer, healthier, more radiant skin please contact Sunny Sarah, Wellness Coach at: or call 908-510-3899