6 Reasons to Drink Green Tea

The good news about green tea is getting hard to overlook that even devoted coffee drinkers are beginning to sip mugs of the delicate brew. It would not be surprising if the daily dose of disease fighting , inflammation-reducing antioxidants long associated with heart protection – would be enough motivation, you will see that there is even more to come.  Lots more.

The potent antioxidants known as polyphenols help the body to fight against cancer cells and control the formation of new blood vessels tumors need to grow. There are many studies that have shown that there is a reduction of the risk of breast ,stomach, esophagus, colon, and /or prostate cancer  in people

If you get a cut, scrape, or bite soak a cotton pad in it. The tea acts like a natural antiseptic that eliminates itching and swelling. It also works on blemishes, sunburns, even puffy eyelids. In addition, they have found that green tea can help block sun-triggered skin cancer whether you drink it or apply it on your skin.

Green tea can help to keep your blood pressure at a normal level.   By drinking just a half a cup of green tea a day you are 50% less likely to develop hypertension than non-drinkers. Once again, this is the case because of the polyphenols (especially one known as ECGC). They help keep blood vessels from contracting and raising blood pressure.

Green tea may also keep the brain from turning fuzzy. Did you know that older adults who drink at least 2 cups a day are half as likely to develop cognitive problems as those who drink less or don’t  drink green tea at all.  The reason is that green tea is full of antioxidants , which fight the free-radical damage to brain nerves evident  in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

When your arteries are young and healthy, you are considered young and healthy. Your body will not build up plaque if you drink about 10 ounces of green tea a day. The green tea will keep your body from absorbing artery-clogging fat and cholesterol. Avoiding plaque will decrease your chances of having  heart disease and stroke.  It will keep you young and you’ll have more energy.

Green tea speeds up your body’s calorie-burning process .  It also helps your body get rid of toxins, waste, and fat.  In addition, it helps you to control your appetite. How great is that!

Sunrider International has created a nutritious whole food beverage called Calli Tea.  It has green as well as black tea, which makes it even  more beneficial.  It is concentrated and delicious.

Calli Tea Pictues

Why Eat Fermented Foods?

There is a definite advantage to eating fermented foods.  Fermented foods like yogurt introduce beneficial bacteria into your digestive system and help the balance of bacteria in your system.   They can slow down or reverse some diseases, improve bowel health, aid digestion, and improve your immune system.
Yogurt labeled with “Live and Active Cultures” offers you a chance to have a healthy delicious snack and at the same time to improve digestion and to help you digest other foods. Also Kefir, which is similar to yogurt, but more of a fermented drink is full of calcium and probiotics. Here is a great recipe using Kefir:

multiple fruit smoothieBanana Spice Smoothie
2 ripe bananas                          ½ tsp of ground cinnamon             1/8 tsp ground allspice
2 cups vanilla kefir                    1/8 tsp ground nutmeg                   12 ice cubes

Blend all the ingredients in a blender and enjoy!

Another fermented food is Tempeh, which is made from naturally fermented soybeans. It is a good source of vegetable protein. Other fermented foods are Miso, which is a fermented paste made from barley, rice or soybean, and can often be made into a soup.  Kambucha is a tangy effervescent tea, typically black or green that is flavored with herbs or fruit and is considered a fermented drink. Sauerkraut, made of cabbage and salt provides a healthy dose of probiotics and fiber. Finally, Sauerkraut’s Korean cousin, called Kimchi, is fermented cabbage which is spicy and  is another good probiotic.

Try to eat fermented foods on a regular basis and eventually on a daily basis. If you are just introducing  fermented foods into your diet you have to give your body time to adjust and adapt to eating them.  Your body will begin to get rid of toxins and replace them with beneficial life-enhancing organisms that will eventually make you feel and look great.

Fall “Cleaning” and Cleansing

Fall is a time to clean your house and get organized. Besides organizing and getting rid of things that you don’t need in the house you can do some “cleaning”and cleansing for your body to have more energy and for better health. There are many foods you can eat to help you to get started on a healthier path.

One of the most important things to do is to start drinking more water. We are made up of 70% water and it is essential for many of our bodily functions to drink water throughout the day. In order for our body to work properly we need to replenish the water lost when we sweat and excrete water. You need to drink at least6-8 glasses of water per day.

There are fruits like apples that are high in pectin and they are an excellent cleanser for the liver and intestines. Other fruits that are cleansing are lemons. Lemons are a liver detoxifier and contain a high amount of vitamin C, essential for the production of liver cleansing compounds in your body. One way to use lemons is to start your day with a warm cup of lemon colorful-fruit-1water. Other fruits that are cleansing are blueberries and cranberries. They help to get rid of harmful bacteria in your uninary tract.

There are many vegetables that also help your body to cleanse.  One of them is avocado and it is not usually thought of as a cleansing food. However, avocados contain glutathiamine, which helps the liver to eliminate toxins. Beets are powerful blood purifiers and liver cleansers. Cabbage is an excellent cleansing food for the digestive tract and liver and it has many cancer fighting and antioxidant compounds. Other foods that are very cleansing are garlic, kale, and celery.

There are also Sunrider foods that are cleansing and help your body to be healthier. Some of these foods are Fortune Delight, which is a whole food beverage that helps your body to get rid of waste, toxins, and fat. Another one is the Sunbar, which has whole food protein and fiber and is a meal replacement. For more information about these and other Sunrider foods for Fall Cleansing you can go to my recent post on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sreinholtz1.


Prevention and Whole Foods

Nutrition is the common thread to prevention. Your body needs to have whole foods, foods that are in
their original form with the nutrients in tact in order for you to be healthy. Your body is not designed to have processed foods and chemicals for it to thrive.

Our diet has included many processed foods and chemicals and as a result, our state of health is not very good. There is a great deal of obesity and people with health issues at a younger and younger age. Much of that is due to nutrition or lack of it. When people eat whole foods they start to feel better, have more energy, and build a foundation of health.

Today it is necessary to supplement your diet because our soil has been depleted, chemicals are added to our food, and there are toxins in the air and in our water.  We are not getting all we need from SAD, our standard American diet. Let me suggest a way to add more nutrition into your diet.

Sunrider International, a whole food herb company, has created its own whole foods in a convenient form.   They are Nutrition-on-the-Go foods and some of the basic foods come in a whole food beverage, bar, and a whole food concentrate powder.   They are nutrient dense and concentrated at least 7 times. These foods help to bring your health to a higher level and to boost your immune system. They are based on the Philosophy of Regeneration, which states that when you nourish your body with the right combination of whole foods and cleanse your body it will get into balance.  Eating a healthy diet and supplementing it, as with Sunrider whole foods,  is a way to prevent disease and stay healthy and fit.


Nourishing Your Body

A big part of becoming or staying healthy and vibrant is nourishing your body with whole foods and giving your body a variety of nutrients. In order for your body to be in a state of balance you also need to hydrate with at least 6-8 glasses of water a day.

Once it was enough to eat healthy table foods and you received all the nourishment you needed from them.   That is not the case today. Our soil is depleted of vitamins and minerals, there are chemicals in our food, and it is processed in a way that many of the nutrients are removed or compromised. Our water also has toxins that we ingest.  That is why it is important to supplement your diet.  SAD,the Standard American Diet,  is not sufficient to give us the nutrition that our body needs and to keep us healthy.

Sunrider International, a whole food herb company that I partner with has created nutrient-dense whole foods that are Nutrition-on-the Go and are based on the Philosophy of Regeneration.  This philosophy states that if you nourish your body with the right combination of whole foods and cleanse your body it will get into balance. If you have a health challenge your body will start to heal or if you have excess weight your body will start to lose the weight once it is in balance.

One of Sunrider International’s whole foods, Nuplus, has many herbs and fruit and it is very  nourishing. It promotes good digestion and helps with cravings. Nuplus helps people to start eating healthier and to avoid eating less desirable foods like junk foods.

In conclusion, in order to be healthy and stay healthy it is important tomultiple fruit smoothie supplement your diet. There are a lot of nutrients that we are not getting with just table foods. It makes sense to make additions to our traditional diet.