My Wellness Story

I have always been interested in health and nutrition. Growing up we always had plenty of fruits
and vegetables available at home. My mother often prepared food in its raw state and cooked with health in mind so that the nutrients were retained.
As a result of our nutrition and our life style, we were very healthy and hardly ever went to doctors. On rare occasions when we didn’t feel well, we used natural remedies like lemons and oranges for their Vitamin C and to strengthen our immune systems. We also used herbs like garlic and onions and rested in order for our bodies to heal themselves and feel better.

I learned at a very early age that if you eat a well- balanced diet with whole foods like fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains you will be strong and healthy. Your body will be able to ward off germs and viruses. If you do happen to get sick,  you can heal yourself by using natural remedies and getting plenty of rest.

I have been studying nutrition for many years and sharing nutritional information with others. I’ve been teaching people how to create a healthy lifestyle for themselves with good nutrition,  how to get motivated and start incorporating exercise into their lives, and how to manage their stress. I will be presenting information on these topics on a regular basis so stay tuned.