We would all like to remain healthy despite a virus that has infiltrated our country.
Consequently, many of us are doing our part by washing our hands, wearing a mask, and
using gloves, but are these measures enough? Have you ever stopped to ask yourself if
your health truly stacks up to the threat of a pandemic? This could very well be your wake-up call to
start adopting a new set of habits to preserve and protect your overall health. It starts with
building a strong immunity; to ensure your body is well-armed against environmental or
any other kinds of pathogens. Your immunity, the system that controls your body’s
ability to fight infection, is of most pertinent consideration. However, it is human nature
to lose sight of this when you are regularly bombarded with distractions such as work,
holidays, family obligations, and other life events. You may begin with good intentions
by starting a healthier diet regimen and signing up for fitness classes, but only find
yourself gradually slipping away from these commitments. Consequently, you end up
where you were in the first place, addicted to sugar, chronically symptomatic, and
spending too much time again on the couch. You can rationalize your behavior and
procrastinate, claiming that there is always tomorrow or next week. However, what
happens when the unthinkable happens?
When an unusual event like a pandemic occurs, many of us will not be ready because we
have not armed our bodies properly with enough of the correct nutrients to safeguard us
against vulnerability to sickness and disease. Often, we’ll make last-ditch efforts to deter
a cold or the flu by pumping ourselves full of vitamins, zinc tablets, protein powder or go
on fad diets. Unfortunately, these do not compensate for what we have denied our bodies
over time. Inevitably, our systems break down. The big question you might often ask
yourself is how you can stop this endless merry-go-round of cravings, binges, crash diets,
and compromised immunity. The short answer is simple. You can begin by
concentrating on the condition of your immunity with the practice of prevention, which
lies in the daily consumption of whole, nutritious foods.
The Chinese have been practicing preventative medicine for 5000 years. Chinese
medicine approaches health through a holistic outlook; by creating and maintaining
balance in the body with the necessary nutrients that it needs for optimum functioning
and well-being. When the body is healthy or has the correct balance of Yin and Yang, it
is better equipped to prevent bacterial and viral ailments from occurring. Easily said than
done? Indeed, it is true that it is often difficult in our fast-paced society to maintain a
proper balance of nutrition in our diet, including the fact that much of what we eat is
processed. However, it is not impossible to supplement the nutrition that you’ve been
lacking to strengthen your immunity.
Dr. Tei-fu Chen , who is an Herbalist, Pharmacist, and Founder of Sunrider International,
has used his knowledge of Chinese medicine to develop the Philosophy of Regeneration
which states that only with the proper balance of nutrients in the right combination can
vital systems of the body be fully nourished and cleansed from the inside out. With this
in mind Sunrider International created a line of products that are designed to do just that.
By using the right combination of whole food ingredients devoid of any chemicals, Dr.
Chen’s Philosophy of Regeneration has been the catalyst for the formation of Nutrition-
on-the Go Foods that are designed to fill in the nutritional gaps as well as nourish,
cleanse, and help your body to get into balance. These food products such as shakes, teas,
and other offerings contain the essential nutrients that enable the five major bodily
systems, the Endocrine, Immune, Digestive, Circulatory, and Respiratory to work
together to maintain an overall healthy equilibrium or Yin/Yang balance. Consequently,
they can help make a difference in improving your overall health and resistance to illness.It all comes down to taking responsibility for your health; to be proactive with a plan to
protect and preserve your immunity, to be ready for unprecedented times such as this. Do
you have a plan today for ongoing better health? If not, I’d like to help. My name is
Sunny Sarah and I’m a Wellness Coach. I’d like to chat with you about your health goals
and how Dr. Chen’s Sunrider products can help you, as they have helped me.
You can reach me at sarahreinholtz18@gmail.com or call 908-510-3899.
Guest Blogger Andrea Harrison